

St. 竞技宝app下载安装 健康与人类服务学院 (CHHS)毕业生是高素质和有爱心的医疗保健专业人员, 这反映在国家执照的首次通过率上.

2019年 医师助理研究硕士 (海洋保护区)和 物理治疗博士 (DPT) cohorts each achieved 100 percent first-time pass rates on their respective national licensure 考试s. 此外,2019年的通过率为 职业治疗博士 (OTD)计划也是100%.

这三个研究生课程为学生提供了一个质量, evidence-based education and a mix of clinical experiences that lead to solid outcomes from acing board 考试s to pre-graduation employment offers.

"Each program has outstanding faculty and staff who support the program and very capable instructors who are not only excellent at what they do, 同时也具有广泛的临床和实践背景. 学生们有很棒的榜样和导师可以学习,桑德拉·卡萨迪说, 博士学位, PT, 卫生与公共服务学院院长.

“这些项目以严格著称. 教师要求学生高标准,同时, 很好地支持他们,她补充道. “标准很高,我们支持我们的学生达到这个标准."

这三个项目每年都会收到数百份申请. A selective admissions process considers past academic achievement and fit with the program's mission. “我们的留校率和毕业率都很高,”卡萨迪说. "Many variables are used to select students who the program believes will finish and be successful the first time in passing the licensure or certification 考试 for the field. 通常, 毕业后的短时间内, 每个项目的毕业生就业率都达到100%."

执照和董事会考试也是衡量St. 与其他大学相比,竞技宝app下载安装正在培养医疗保健专业人员, 每个程序用于质量改进的数据点.

“我们的教员从不满足于现状. They are driven for continual excellence and preparing our graduates to go out into the world and care for others. We work with clinical partners to educate future healthcare professionals who will enrich lives. The best way the 健康与人类服务学院 can do that is to provide students with the skills and opportunities to translate what they've learned into high-quality practice,卡萨迪说.


“这些项目以严格著称. 教师要求学生高标准,同时, 很好地支持他们. 标准很高,我们支持我们的学生达到这个标准."


2019届学员的首次通过率达到100% 参加全国医师助理认证委员会(NCCPA)考试.

除了, 30名参与者在所有8个任务领域的得分都达到或高于全国平均水平, 14个内容领域中的13个, 在那里他们接受了测试. 克里休谟, MD, 副教授兼MPAS项目主任, said the achievement is significant because they were the first class to take the newly-revised, 和困难, 考试.

"This illustrates the program's didactic year is providing students with a good base of knowledge and as they do their clinical rotations with providers in our community and other communities in the Midwest, 他们正在积累丰富的临床经验. 这也显示了我们的学生有多么强烈的动力去取得好成绩. 休谟说.

"It is a combination of caring faculty and students helping one another that makes this program a success. 我们可以为学生提供所有的工具, 但他们必须学习,要有动力,因为这是一个紧张的29个月,她补充道. “他们非常出色."

这是第四个从圣. 竞技宝app下载安装,第二个在NCCPA考试中达到100%的首次通过率. 第一批达到这一里程碑的学生于2017年毕业.

St. 竞技宝app下载安装 launched the only MPAS program in the Quad Cities and Western Illinois region in 2014 and annually receives about 600 applicants for each cohort of 30 students. The 29-month program begins with 14 months of didactic classroom and laboratory studies, 接下来是15个月的有监督的临床轮岗.

More than 50 percent of the 2019 cohort had accepted PA positions or were negotiating offers - some negotiating multiple offers - before graduation, Dr. 休谟说.


2019届物理治疗博士毕业生取得了 全国物理治疗考试首次通过率100%, something Program Director Priscilla Weaver, 博士学位, DPT, said is remarkable as well as common at St. 竞技宝app下载安装.


“当然, it speaks to how our students are prepared by expert faculty from a variety of practice areas. We don't teach to the test, but teach to prepare our students for clinical practice,她说. "It also speaks to the dedication our students have to their coursework and gaining the skills to practice. 正是这两者的结合帮助我们取得了这些成果."

该计划以加速格式提供. 学生可以在2年内获得学位.如果他们被两所学校中的一所录取,五年或更短 高中生和大学生的录取轨道. 该计划包括 35周的临床实践经验. “学生们去几个临床地点,在各种环境下提供护理. 他们在持续的护理中学习,”韦弗说.

“教师们总是紧跟最佳实践, 和内部, 我们不断确保课程的高质量和实证. Our class size is 36 students which allow for more hands-on learning and interaction between students and faculty,她说.

学生是成功的, 在某种程度上, 因为教师支持他们的教育和职业目标的每一步, 同辈和大学也是如此. "From start to finish - and even after graduation - we remain supportive of our alumni," said Weaver.

SAU DPT毕业生的就业率为100%. Some choose to gain advanced knowledge and clinical practice skills in a specialty area in SAU's one-year 骨科住院医师项目. It also boasts high certification pass rates: of the 48 students who have taken the orthopaedics specialist certification 考试ination since the residency program was launched in 2006, 46个已经过去了.

The residency program is 认证 through the American Board of Physical Therapy Residency and Fellowship Education. 物理治疗博士项目是 认证 由物理治疗教育评审委员会颁发.

“教师们总是紧跟最佳实践, 和内部, 我们不断确保课程的高质量和实证. Our class size is 36 students which allows for more hands-on learning and interaction between students and faculty."

DPT项目主任Priscilla Weaver PT, DPT,博士


St. 竞技宝app下载安装 transitioned its long-standing Master of Occupational Therapy program to a doctoral program in 2016. 第一批职业治疗博士(OTD)于2019年毕业 students who took the National Board for Certification of Occupational Therapy (NBCOT) 考试 2019年认证考试通过率100%.

"This tells me that our program continues to prepare entry-level students to meet the practice demands of today. 对我来说, 这是一个重要的区别,Lynn Kilburg教授说, DHSc, 工商管理硕士, 工程/ L.

"This was our first assessment measure of the doctoral program and we now know our graduates meet the standard for practice and are ready to address today's healthcare needs."

NBCOT考试是不断更新当前的医疗实践. Kilburg said faculty are successfully creating course content that is relevant and timely to the healthcare clients of today, 她说.

“我们的第一批人都是被驱使去建立一个竞技宝app下载的人, 区域, 以及国家影响,基尔伯格说, 他补充说,在32名成员中,近一半的人在全国范围内进行了研究, 在国际上, 或两个. "These students assisted and advanced healthcare in communities here and across the world. 他们产生了重大影响,”她补充道.

在过去的三年里, an average of 85 percent of SAU's Occupational Therapy graduates accepted a position from their first choice in practice and geographic region within four weeks of graduation. 最终,我们100%的毕业生都被聘为OT.

St. 竞技宝app下载安装的OTD项目是爱荷华州第一个博士项目 由职业治疗教育评审委员会认可. 这个为期三年的项目包括 24周的实地考察加上14周的经验组成部分注重以职业为本、以人为本、跨专业的客户服务.


St. 竞技宝app下载安装 Wine Festival surpassed the $2 million threshold in cumulative giving through its 2024 event. 这个年度三集系列, 从2001年开始, 筹集资金以支持St. 竞技宝app下载安装.

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在与世界救援四方城市的合作下,圣. 竞技宝app下载安装’s Institute for Person-Centered Care was awarded a 12-month grant to help improve refugee resettlement efforts in the Quad Cities area.

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23岁的校友丹尼尔·萨拉查被选为富布赖特奖学金的决赛选手, 或获奖者, 申请西班牙英语助教奖学金. 富布赖特项目的申请者中,只有不到20%的人能够进入决赛.

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